Thursday, March 10, 2011

OS 4.3 Now Available

As most of you may know Apple released OS 4.3 early. The original launch date was to be March 11 2011.

If you have a jailbroken device or unlocked, as always, do not upgrade to the 4.3 OS or you will lose your Jailbreak and Unlock.

The Jailbreak teams are working diligently and anticipate a new Jailbreak for this OS very soon. Although no release date has been announced, the buzz seems to be leaning towards a quick resolution for this OS.

Be patient, as always, our hard working Jailbreak Teams such as the iPhone Dev Team and the Chronic Dev Team, or even George Hotz aka: GeoHot (If he has time outside of defending himself against the lawsuit from Playstation) we will have a jailbreak very soon!!

1 comment:

  1. iOS 4.3 iPhone 4 GreenPoison 4.3 RC7 GreenPoison 4.3 RC7 Untethered Jailbreak Step 1:Download the latest iTunes from the Apple official website to backup all your contacts and other datas. Step 2: Download Greenpoison RC7 fromiPad firmware greenpoison releasedshATter exploit IGNORE: Greenpois0n iPhone 3GS, 3G; iPod Touch 4G, 3G, 2G and iPad iphone 3gs jailbreaking help
